Welcome!  I can't wait to work together! 

Summer Soul Journey Membership

There is deep wisdom ready to be reclaimed in working with the energy of the seasons, metaphorically and literally.

We explore these truths in Soul Journey Membership so that you can: 

  • Receive a deeper understanding of yourself
  • Increase healing and compassion (for self and others)
  • Increase your understanding and awareness of your needs
  • Gain insight of family, religious, and cultural impact on your mindset, decisions and choices
  • Return to a life rhythm that supports that meets your needs
  • Gain traction on managing and completing tasks and goals
  • Decrease feelings of anxiety and worry regarding yourself and the world
  • Heal past mental, emotional, and spiritual pains and wounds, release ancestral traumas
  • Release inner pain, shame, guilt and fear that is holding you back
  • Increase being present in your life and in control of your destiny
  • Expand practices of patience, acceptance, gratitude, inner peace, freedom, and love
  • Create space for exploring your life purpose and find greater meaning in your life. 

There can be a struggle to initiate change

Initiating change can be a struggle for woman--especially for the woman I call the "helpers" in life.  Helpers may have chose a career in a field that resonates with their desire to be of service; such as teachers, nurses, yoga instructors, and therapists of all kinds (mental health, substance use, physical, speech, massage, etc.).  Helpers can also be lightworkers, star seeds, and energy healers.  Helpers show up as moms or daughters who are keenly aware of their role in another person's life with a strong desire to be supportive (a helper!) of another's path.  

I have found most helpers have a stronger tendency to be empathic and highly sensitive, with a strong intuitive side.  They tend to be drawn to animals and Nature.  Full of compassion and ideas. They are the dreamers, the peacekeepers, the communicators, the healers, and the lovers.  

For the helpers, it's hard to carve out time, just for you.  Being a helper usually means you are extra sensitive to energy and emotions, which put you at an even greater risk of depletion.  You might carry wounds that aren't yours.  You might struggle with finding strategies and techniques to release painful experience and past struggles.   You might feel out of step with the non-helpers and have been told your perspective or knowing was wrong.  

Finding your tribe
Please know that this resonates with so many women as well.  You are not alone and do not have to navigate your journey alone.  There is nothing "wrong" with you, but you are different...in an absolutely wonderfully way. 

And it's time to not only begin trusting your own wisdom, but also reclaim your wisdom of Nature and the seasons. 

No matter where you are on your life path, I know you have a vision of what you are ready to heal so that you can grow and transform. Soul Journey Membership is inspired by Nature and our natural cycles and rhythms. We explore the wisdom and energy of the season.  We explore our own wisdom, resiliency and strengths.  We heal past pain and shift limited mindset.  We open to new aligned possibilities.  

Is it time for you to change how you navigate your own world?  If so, consider joining Summer inspired Soul Journey Membership!!

Perks of Soul Journey Membership?

  • Access to Group Coaching from a holistic therapist with over 25 years of experience in supporting woman on their life path.  (while there are differences in counseling vs coaching, my skills and techniques are very similar)
  • Opportunities for guided meditation and inner journeying, with a trained and ethical practitioner.  (your inner wisdom has just that...wisdom! let's get you connected to and listening to your inner wisdom again)
  • Opportunities for Distance Reiki healing and Chakra balancing, with a Reiki Master, Teacher and Practitioner.  (Reiki has been a tool in my personal toolbox for over 15 years)
  • Practice accessing your intuition and inner knowing (lots of opportunities by journaling, creating affirmations, tapping into an oracle card message)
  • Increasing your knowledge and understanding of yourself and Nature (through exploring experiential and informational topics)
  • Availability of tools for you (re-play, re-read at your own leisure with full access to all videos, meditations, healings, and information that goes into an active Membership)
  • Lots of support (in addition to the group coaching, there is a live weekly Q&A and access to chat in between)
  • Perks of private access to my professional tribe  (opportunities to learn from and experience other healing modalities)
  • Early access and discounts for my other programs and services (who doesn't enjoy being an early bird and saving money!?)

I am super excited about the Membership and I know it will be a wonderful experience for everyone who joins and participates! 

20 Modules

Welcome to Soul Journey Membership

Welcome again! I am so glad you are here.  You and this Membership truly makes my week a blast because I get to play, explore, laugh, and chat. 

I love blending together my favorite strategies, tips and techniques for personal growth.  I draw from a variety of backgrounds that I have been trained in and actively use along my own journey; including psychology, coaching, metaphysics, energy healing (Reiki and Chakra), mindfulness, meditation, intuition, oracle card reading, and Nature based practices. 

Each week we will keep working on healing, growing and transforming. 

We are in this together.  And together we are going to make this AWESOME! 

Guided Meditation for Summer Solstice

Practice celebrating the seasons and honoring your cycles.  My Summer Solstice Guided Meditation, Affirmations and 6 Month Review are completely FREE to get you started!! 



Goddess and Animal Spirit Support for the Summer Membership

I will be pulling two cards, Goddess Energy and Animal Spirit, to see who will be supporting the container of our work for the Summer Membership!  

July's Sacred Circle

If you are new to the monthly Sacred Circle, it is a time just for you to relax, reconnect to your inner self and release or reenergize (or both!).

July's Sacred Circle is will be on Insight Timer 

July 7, 2024 11am - 12:30pm CST 

This is a live event, that I am unable to record.  However, if the meditation is juicy, I will try to record it and it to MemberVault. 

Live Group Coaching (July 16)

This week we are kicking off our first LIVE Group Coaching session, with the topic of  Integrating Themes of Summer!

Hopefully you were with me for the Summer Solstice Celebration, but if you weren't - you can check out the info I added under Summer Solstice module.  

The Zoom link for the live group coaching sessions and healing and integrations (Reiki/Meditation) will be listed in the description module.

Each week will have it's own unique Zoom link. 


We will have our first Live Q&A on my YouTube channel after our first group coaching session.  Send your questions if you are unable to watch it live and I will be sure to answer it during the Live and you can catch the replay.  

YouTube LIVE Q and A (July 19)

Each week we have either our Group Coaching or Healing and Integration sessions, I will host a live Q&A about the topics we are exploring or if new questions come up for you--ask away!  

Healing and Integration Session (July 21)

Not all personal growth is about active action and change.  Rest, healing, and integration is a vital part of personal growth. 

We will gather on the remaining Full Moons to heal and integrate the work we are doing in our life.  

YouTube Live Q and A (July 26)

Join me on YouTube (@riversjourneycounseling) at 12pm CST for a live Q&A

Live Group Coaching (August 6)

We will gather at 6:30pm - 8pm for our next Live Group Coaching.

Click for the Zoom Link 




YouTube Live Q and A (August 9)

Join me Live on Youtube for our Q&A, 12pm CST (@riversjourneywellness)

Sacred Circle (August 11)

Optional; You are welcome to join me on Insight Timer for my monthly Sacred Circle. 

August's theme to include: 

  • Guidance from Goddess and Animal Spirit energy to be channeled closer to the date. Working with the energy of seeing and taking steps towards embodying your soul's calling.

Healing and Integration Session (August 19)

Not all personal growth is about active action and change.  Rest, healing, and integration is a vital part of personal growth. 

We will gather on the remaining Full Moons to heal and integrate the work we are doing in our life.  

YouTube Live Q and A (August 23)

Join me Live on Youtube for our Q&A, 12pm CST (@riversjourneywellness)

Live Group Coaching (September 3)

We will gather at 6:30pm - 8pm for our next Live Group Coaching.

Click for the Zoom Link 




YouTube Live Q and A (September 6)

Join me Live on Youtube for our Q&A, 12pm CST (@riversjourneywellness)

Healing and Integration Session (September 17)

Not all personal growth is about active action and change.  Rest, healing, and integration is a vital part of personal growth. 

We will gather on the remaining Full Moons to heal and integrate the work we are doing in our life.  

YouTube Live Q and A (September 20)

Join me Live on Youtube for our Q&A, 12pm CST (@riversjourneywellness)

Sacred Circle (September 22) - Autumn Equinox

Join me for September's Sacred Circle as we celebrate the Autumn Equinox.  This event is optional and is hosted on Insight Timer. 

This Sacred Circle's theme will include: 

  • Guidance from Goddess and Animal Spirit energy to be channeled closer to the date. Working with the energies of gratitude, transformation, and balance through the lens of Nature's Seasons.  

Bonus practices, rituals, and ceremonies

This is going to be a hodge podge of items from previous season's Membership or fun things I decide to pop into the Membership :) 

Modules for this product 20
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 Summer Soul Journey Membership (one Season)
 $111.00 USD

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Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.  For more information, I understand I can read https://riversjourneywellness.com/disclaimer

Please contact me with additional questions regarding the following: 

I understand that this Membership is not meant to diagnosis or treat any medical or behavioral health (mental health and substance use) disease/disorder.  I understand that I am encouraged to reach out to a licensed professional if in need of medical or behavioral health support.  

I understand Mary Madsen-Heskin, River's Journey Wellness, LLC, will not be providing therapy or counseling, and will not be diagnosing or treating any behavioral health issue.  

I agree to respect the confidentiality of the other members.  I will not share information personal or identifying information about members with anyone outside of the membership.   

I agree to not share the videos or content shared.  I understand that all videos, meditations, handouts and other information shared or provided by Mary Madsen-Heskin are considered intellectual property of River's Journey Wellness, LLC, and I will not reproduce or re-distribute content. 

I agree to use respectful language and to actively support this Membership as a safe space for all who attend.  I understand if I create a hostile or unsafe situation for myself or others, I will be removed from the Membership without any refund of payment.  

I agree to refrain from selling or promoting personal business and products.  I understand I will be removed from the Membership without any refund of payment.  

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