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Blog Trusting Intuition and Divine Timing

Trusting Intuition and Divine Timing


For so many of us, trusting our intuition and trusting in Divine Timing can be a challenge.  

I was watching an interesting Nature program, David Attenborough’s "Life in Color". A segment of the program discussed how insects and other animals can see ultraviolet light and therefore could send and receive messages undetected to the human eye. 

That got me thinking; how much do I actually see with my “regular” vision? How much more do I miss?

And beyond my “regular” visual perception, how fully am I aware of the messages I receive, whether through sensing, knowing, or feeling? How wide is that lens? How much information do I receive through other forms of perception? 

How much still remains unseen? How much is still a mystery? 

One source of “seeing” beyond regular vision is the perception of intuition. Unfortunately we can hit some snags as we are exploring our intuition messages. 

I have always been keenly aware of my intuition and the messages I received about energy from other people. I think most empaths and/or highly sensitive people would agree. But often when I was younger I either misinterpreted the energy or negated the messages I received. 

Intuition can be negated by others.  We are taught from a very young age that elders know more, they know best, and are acting with our best intentions at heart.  This could have been our parents or caregivers, teachers, clergy, and other men and women in authority roles.  As we age, peers, co-workers and even partners can negate our intuition. They might discount what we were picking up intuitively, misdirect us, or simply deny our perception was real.  

Sometimes it is truly well meaning and mostly to keep us safe. But sometimes it is simply due to other’s anxiety, worries or fears that we are guided away from acting on our intuition.  

It's time to release those old patterns or limiting beliefs about intuition and "see" clearly again.  

I encourage you to begin to practice checking in with your intuition.  To truly begin to understand and listen to your higher knowing, the subtle and more sensitive sensing and perceiving of intuition.

We all have intuition. We all can build and develop our intuition.  When we trust in our strong intuitive side we can see some of our struggles reduce and can live a more happy and rewarding life. 

Benefits for developing and trusting in our own intuition:  

1. Through our intuition we pick up really useful information for ourselves.  This makes it easier to make more well-informed decisions. This improves our self-acceptance and increases our self-confidence. It's easier to move through life when we are comfortable and confident in ourselves. 

2. We increase our self-trust.  We no longer negate what we know and no longer defer decisions to others.  With increased self-trust, we tend to be more compassionate and kind with ourselves.  Trust, compassion and kindness are easier to extend to others when we are practice self-trust, compassion and kindness with ourselves. This can lead to deeper and more fulfilling relationships and an understanding that not all of the world will violate our trust.  

3. We can release some of our worry, doubt and even fear, especially around decision making and choices.  We decrease getting bogged down or stuck in endless worry loops, including analysis paralysis.

4. We begin to practice quieting a noisy, chatty or disruptive mind. This decreases anxiety. A quiet and calm mind helps us to feel less depleted and opens up more energy for creativity and enjoyment. 

5. We begin to understand that our body, our life, our world isn’t just some random mishmash of random occurrences acting against us.  This increases self-efficacy, our belief that we can have a positive impact on our life circumstances.  We begin to see how we are co-creators in our life and increase trusting in Divine Timing.

6. We begin to see we are not alone or isolated from ourselves, other people, the world, and even to the Universe. We are connected to all.  This decreases depression.  We do not have to create change alone and we do fit into our world in our own unique way. 

Victor Frankl, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor and founder of Logotherapy, said “In between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response, in our response lives our growth and our freedom”. 

So, what this tells me is that by creating a mindful pause and listening to our intuition can greatly impact our positive life interactions and outcomes because the response will not simply be reactive, but intentional and informed choices. 

During that pause, if we check-in with ourselves we can glean so much information about how we are feeling, thinking or what we are sensing in that moment. Gathering in and recognizing all of our intuitive data points. Allowing us to make better decisions and personally aligned-choices for ourselves. 

So, how do we connect to and build our intuition and Divine Timing?  How do we build trust in both?   

1. Acknowledge, I am an intuitive woman. 

  • You are intuitive, we all are!  Some people are just a little more tapped into their intuition, but you can increase your intuition by beginning to acknowledge you are intuitive. 

2. Learn how you receive your intuitive messages. 

  • Explore how you become aware of the intuitive messages; through intuitive knowing, sensing, feeling, hearing, etc.

3. Recognize the difference between intuitive messages and fear-fueled thoughts. 

  • Fear thoughts can feel real because of their intensity, but this isn't always how intuition comes through.  Not only can intuition come in soft, subtle ways, but it tends to not feel scary or threatening.  

4. Practice mindfulness, actively being present in the moment.

  • There are so many great resources for increasing your practice of mindfulness.  One easy to follow book is by Elisha Goldstein, Phd, "The Now Effect".  

5. Practice meditation, being fully present in your body. 

  • Start with breathwork to begin to connect to the body.  This can be as simple as breathing deeply in through the nose and fully and completely exhaling through the mouth.  
  • Add a grounding technique to energetically support your body.  Imagine extending roots, cords or strands from your feet (or from below your Root Chakra) deep into Earth.  Feel the stability and support from the roots, cords, strands.  Set an intention that you can release stress or anything that is not serving you through the cords into Mother Earth and she in return can send nurturing and nourishment up from her core to your roots, cords, strands and into your energetic and physical body. 
  • Start small with meditation if you struggle with quieting your mind. Start with calming the body first. Set a timer to meditate for 3 minutes focusing on your breath and grounding. Try out my guided meditation Relaxing Your Mental Monkey Trap.

6. Create a practice of checking in with yourself and observing your energy level, emotions/thoughts, etc, throughout your day.  This will increase your understanding of yourself and what you are needing. Practice simply observing without judgement or criticism and practice detaching from the result.  

7. Journal or jot down notes to yourself about the intuitive hits you receive. Notice if there is a pattern or what came from the information. 

No one wants to feel pain, go through hard times or struggle. But when we practice going within and emotionally care-taking for ourselves (not just reacting to the pain/hard times/struggle), place a pause between the event and our response, observe why this might be coming up now and are open to gathering the information provided by our intuitive knowing then we find that we "see" more. Our perception expands.  Our ability to navigate our world increases, even despite rocky patches.  

When we have a practice of sensing, knowing, our feeling our intuitive wisdom it may be easier to see, know, sense, feeling the Wisdom of the Universe. To begin to trust in Divine Timing. When we trust in our intuition and Divine Timing; we can truly experience the limitless abundance of possibilities and opportunities available to each and every one of us! 

Affirmations for Increasing Trust in Intuition

  • Each day I practice to grow my intuition 
  • My intuition is my true self speaking to me
  • When I am fully present for myself, I hear, see, sense, know, feel my intuition
  • My intuition offers me clarity and guidance
  • I trust my intuition to guide me on my personal life path

Affirmations for Increasing Trust in Divine Timing

  • I give myself permission to release past pain
  • I experience peace in the present by being present
  • I move forward with a grateful and happy heart
  • Even though in the moment I do not always see the wisdom in Divine Timing, I am in the perfect place at the perfect time
  • I trust that everything unfolds in perfect timing for my highest good

Wishing you the best on your path to increasing your trust in your intuition and Divine Timing!  


P.S. If it would be helpful to hear me talk about this blog, click HERE.  This is from my Live Q&A series and includes an exercise in breathwork, grounding and Reiki infused meditation. 


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