This is A LOT of powerful (and subtly powerful) imagery and energy.
We will be working with the Wild Feminine during the Winter Season.
Goddess Cards:
Yuki Onna: Stillness and meditation
Arianrhod: Time, you have all the time you need and your timing (and the Universe's timing) will be perfect
Animal Cards:
Frog Spirit: Clear out the clutter (Time to cleanse/ detox your body, emotionally cleanse your emotions by really seeing and feeling them, clear out feelings with tears, singing or chanting will help you to feel more balanced, at peace, and connected to the divine, you are entering a time of abundance, start a slow and steady transformational process of yourself -- from old to new)
Wolf Spirit: Turn knowledge into wisdom (Wolf Medicine includes guardian especially with family or during times of change, secure attachments/loyalty, intelligence--keen use of senses, breathing new life into life rituals, take control of your life/create and direct a new life--with harmony and discipline, Cycle of power: year round, Full Moons, and twilight)
Brown Bear Spirit: Take time out. (Bear Medicine includes being protectors/guardians, great healers, associated with wisdom, strength and deep connection to Earth, associated with awakening of the Power of the Unconscious, savoring the sweetness in life, Spring bring new possibilities, Cycle of power: Spring and Summer)
Unicorn: Purity (pursue creative and artistic interests, notice signs from the elementals and Nature spirits, let go of worries and have innocent fun, a surge in personal power).
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I had anticipated only pulling ONE Goddess card and One Animal Spirit card, but we must be needing a little more support this season :)
I am super excited with the cards and I hope you enjoy hearing all about them in my audio explanation.
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