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Goddess and Animal Support

I couldn't be more excited about who has shown up to support the Summer Soul Journey Membership!!!  

I am so excited (again!) for this newest season of Summer.  

Our time together is supported by the Goddess' Gaia (Earth) and Aine (Adaptability).  
The animal messengers are White Raven Spirit (Trust in the Magic), Lizard Spirit (Dream the world into being) and Koi Fish Spirit (There is always enough).

Lesson Activity

Take time to listen to the description in the video of their messages and note what stands out to you.  

Each Goddess and Animal Guide brings their own messages to you (the pieces that resonate). 

Is there something specific you have been thinking about (or worrying about!), dreaming about, or even simply had a knowing that "it was time" in any of these areas?  Are your ready to 1) dream it and 2) receive it?  

If so, this is your invitation from these supportive energies to follow through. 

What has felt like it held you back in the past?  Will this be a problem now?  If so, let me know and we can trouble shoot during our first group!  

Remember, you've got the group supporting you in this!!  And any of guides and guardians, ready to support and co-create with you!


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1 Lesson

Goddess and Animal Spirit Support for the Summer Membership

I will be pulling two cards, Goddess Energy and Animal Spirit, to see who will be supporting the container of our work for the Summer Membership!  

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 Summer Soul Journey Membership (one Season)
 $ 111.00 USD

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I understand Mary Madsen-Heskin, River's Journey Wellness, LLC, will not be providing therapy or counseling, and will not be diagnosing or treating any behavioral health issue.  

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